Lucky was still sat where she was, she’d been there for well over two hours, she’d been people watching as they’d let in the rest of the fans. Her second beer had gone down and she really fancied another, ah sod it she thought and joined the queue for another, she’d got at least five more hours before she headed home, and if she didn’t feel like driving she could probably get a room somewhere or an all night café for some coffee. She also brought two bottles of water, slugging one down before she headed back to the circle.
By now Mike and the team were in full sweep mode, their problem was that there were shit loads of people wearing shady’s! Each time someone shouted they’d found her, it turned out to be a false alarm.
Lucky decided to use the loo’s and freshen up a little, taking her hat off and quickly loosening her hair and re-doing it up in plaits making her look more like a stereotypical cowgirl. She snickered at the picture, but deciding to leave the hat off for a while, she put her sunglasses on as the temp had started to pick up; she headed out of the toilets and back towards the circle.
Mike was getting frustrated, he’d nearly throttled one of his crew, he’d shouted he’d got her and Mike and Mark ran from one side of the arena to the other, only to find the moron had got hold of a five foot three woman, in a black wife beater. Mike had apologised to the woman and fired the guy on the spot telling him if he couldn’t follow a given description he had no business being in the security game!
Mark rolled his eyes, oh the guy had been asking for it of a while, but Mike should have handled it better. But David had them all on fuckin edge!
He bumped into someone and apologised, not looking at who he’d done it too.
Lucky had side stepped stepping on someone’s toes and ended up pushed into someone. They’d both apologised, but only Lucky realised it was Mark, she quickly turned away and dived into the crowd, shit, if she didn’t want anyone to see her she shouldn’t have come!
Backstage David was pacing and Richie was trying to calm him down. ‘How’d you know for definite it was Lucky, it could have been anyone.’ He was trying to be rational but David didn’t want to know.
‘It was her, I’d know that walk anywhere, and that shade of brown hair, it’s her, and I’m telling you she’s in the stadium somewhere.’
Richie hoped to hell he was right, if they didn’t find her he’d a feeling David would need a straight jacket soon!
Next thing Riche saw was David running out of the room as if the devil was after him, swearing he took off after him.
Lucky wandered back into the circle and took up position on the back fence again; she noticed that there seemed to be increase security presence, and wondered if she should be worried? They’d had a bomb scare already this tour.
Mike had one of those light bulb moments and headed for the video truck, this was becoming a bad habit, but with people still filling in and the warm up band due on soon, he was fast running out of ideas. ‘Matt we need help.’ Was his opening statement as he walked in.
‘Try a therapist.’ Came the rejoinder.
‘Ha fuckin ha! Now, we need a crowd scan, David thinks that Lucky’s in the crowd…..’
‘No I don’t think she’s out there I know she is.’ David said as he walked in with Richie close behind him. ‘So looks like we came to the same conclusion, use the cameras to scan the crowd and see if we can see her.’ Mike nodded and Matt bitched that he’d need his cameras for the support act and warm up band; Richie shushed him and told him to get Bo on the case.
Bo bitched and complained till they told him who he was looking for, then he’d whooped and started to scan, he didn’t mind looking for that woman, she was smokin!
Mike’s radio began to squawk and bitch at him, ‘Jon we’re in the van, now please calm the fuck down, you’re not due on for another hour and a half, they’re sat right next to me.’ With that he signed off and looked back at the monitors, the more eyes they had looking the better the odds of finding her.
Yeah right, an hour later David and Richie ran out to get warmed up and changed, still no sign of Lucky! Jon had stormed in and shooed them out. ‘No more using the camera’s they’ve got a job to do let them do it!’ With that command he left. Mike just shook his head and told the guys to keep an eye out again.
Lucky had listened to the warm up bands, warm up and now the support band was hitting the stage. She rolled her eyes and headed out to use the loo again before the boys took the stage. She thought of food again, but her stomach still revolted so a grabbed a water and a Pepsi and headed back toward the enclosure.
Mark came out to the front to do a sweep in the circle.
As she hit the lower steps she popped her hat back on, she’d nearly dropped the damn thing carrying it and the drinks.
Mark wandered to the gate of the circle and stood scanning; if she was here she’d be head and shoulders above other people! That was unless she’d sat down, then they were screwed till she stood up.
She walked passed a couple of security guys, who gave her a funny look and got onto their radios; shrugging she carried on.
Mark caught the shout and realised whoever it was she was heading straight for him, he hopped the fence and stood in wait. Looking up he did a quick check and saw the woman in question sauntering towards him. He did a head to toe check, she was tall enough, the right clothes, but her hair, David said it was in a ponytail; this woman had two cute plaits, she had the shady on, and she moved with a lithe grace that had his dick twitching. Then she smiled and laughed at a comment some guys made to her, fuck him it was Lucky!!!
Now what?
Go get her boys!!!
David, don't be a shcmuck and don't let her get away this time!!!!
Now, Mike, honey, you discreetly keep an eye on her and LET DAVID KNOW! lmao
And D? Do it right this time :)
~ Hath
I repeat my post from last time:
Oh, and Gail....if he doesn't get her this time, I come over there and we'lll have a long talk about it... ;-)
Kris, better get you ass in gear then! Wanna borrow a broomstick? *snicker*
Possibly ;) lmao, not sure yet what she'll do!
Ok, so security needs to escort her - willing or not - backstage or near the stage or somewhere close enough for David to see her and start grovelling!
Love Mike telling Jon to calm down! lol!
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