Lucky laughed at a comment some guys made about her shady, and carried on walking, then nearly grinding to a halt as she saw Mark in front of her, smiling at her and talking fast into his radio, damn someone who knew her, fuck!
She thought of walking straight passed him without stopping, but damnit she was too nice for her own good at times.
Mark had called in a ‘got her’ call to Mike, who’d shouted ‘yes’ then told him to get her backstage, now! Mike headed for the dressing rooms and to tell David they’d got her, the asshole had been right, next hell would freeze over!
He walked into the main room and all the guys were there, they looked up when he walked in, ‘Well David I’ve got good news and bad news.’ His face straight as a poker.
David went white, fuck now what. ‘Let me have it Mac.’ And held his breath.
‘Well the bad news is, there isn’t any, we found her!’
David stood for a second not comprehending what he’d just been told, when it hit his face creased into a massive grin, ‘I told you she was here! Where is she? Is she coming back? Is she okay?’ His mind started to race, here was his chance to undo his fuck up!’
The other members of the group hugged him and slapped him on the back, telling him not to fuck it up again and make sure he knew how to contact her within the first five minutes of seeing her.
Mike told him she was talking to Mark and they’d ask her to come backstage with them.
Then Jon pointed out he wouldn’t see her till after the show, they were due to go on in ten minutes. David’s face fell, ‘Well get her back here and put her on the side so I don’t loose her again!’
Meanwhile Mark had blocked Lucky’s way, it looked for a second that she’d go passed him and he frowned, that didn’t bode well. ‘Hey Lucky how ya doin baby?’ He lent in and pecked her cheek. Some girls going passed looked at her, wondering if they should know her as the guards seemed too.
‘Not bad Mark, how’s things with you?’ She was shocked when he showed familiarity with her, his grin looked genuine and for some reason he looked, relieved?
‘Oh great now…..’ His radio squawked in his ear, she took the chance to say bye and skirt around him heading back into the crowd.
Mark said shit into the radio, and jumped in her path, making her jump back. ‘Erm… Lucky….. I’ve been asked to invite you backstage.’
Her jaw dropped, did they think she was that stupid, fool her once shame on her, do it twice and she was bloody stupid! She took off her hat and glasses and glared at Mark, and venomously said to him, ‘Thanks, but no thanks, I don’t know what kind of games your bosses like to play, but I’m not fucking stupid! For all I care he could be the last jackass on earth, and I’d still not want to see him! He’s an asshole of the first degree, tell him that from me!’ People about them were looking as her voice raised, wondering what was going on. With that she shoved him out of her way and lost herself in the throng of people, slumping down into her saved space by the fence, her cheeks bright red and unshed tears in her eyes, how could they do that to someone? She pulled her knees up and lay her head down, she wouldn’t bloody cry! Aw crap, and sobbed into her clasped arms, the people around her not realising as at that minute Bon Jovi took to the stage and they all stood screaming and shouting.
Lucky just sat there crying!
Mark just stood there, wondering what the fuck had just happened and damn the woman had one hell of a temper! He couldn’t see her, she’d just gone! He didn’t want to be the one to tell David! He got onto the radio, Christ they were due on any minute. He gave Mike the low down and heard his boss swear a blue streak! They were so fucked!
Mike told him to try and spot her again; she couldn’t be that far from him, unless she’d duck so she couldn’t be seen. He groaned, looks like the lady was mega pissed at Dave, not that he blamed her, but it was misunderstanding, and they needed her to talk to him. He headed to the side of the stage, he walked like he was off to the gallows, his feet dragging.
He made certain he didn’t go near David’s side and caught up to Jon and Richie, giving them a quick sketch what had gone off, both men swearing, they didn’t know whether to tell him or not at this minute, they voted not, and see how things went!
These stories come from my over active imagination. Pure fiction on my part! They are not meant to be taken seriously!!
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Chapter 26
Lucky was still sat where she was, she’d been there for well over two hours, she’d been people watching as they’d let in the rest of the fans. Her second beer had gone down and she really fancied another, ah sod it she thought and joined the queue for another, she’d got at least five more hours before she headed home, and if she didn’t feel like driving she could probably get a room somewhere or an all night café for some coffee. She also brought two bottles of water, slugging one down before she headed back to the circle.
By now Mike and the team were in full sweep mode, their problem was that there were shit loads of people wearing shady’s! Each time someone shouted they’d found her, it turned out to be a false alarm.
Lucky decided to use the loo’s and freshen up a little, taking her hat off and quickly loosening her hair and re-doing it up in plaits making her look more like a stereotypical cowgirl. She snickered at the picture, but deciding to leave the hat off for a while, she put her sunglasses on as the temp had started to pick up; she headed out of the toilets and back towards the circle.
Mike was getting frustrated, he’d nearly throttled one of his crew, he’d shouted he’d got her and Mike and Mark ran from one side of the arena to the other, only to find the moron had got hold of a five foot three woman, in a black wife beater. Mike had apologised to the woman and fired the guy on the spot telling him if he couldn’t follow a given description he had no business being in the security game!
Mark rolled his eyes, oh the guy had been asking for it of a while, but Mike should have handled it better. But David had them all on fuckin edge!
He bumped into someone and apologised, not looking at who he’d done it too.
Lucky had side stepped stepping on someone’s toes and ended up pushed into someone. They’d both apologised, but only Lucky realised it was Mark, she quickly turned away and dived into the crowd, shit, if she didn’t want anyone to see her she shouldn’t have come!
Backstage David was pacing and Richie was trying to calm him down. ‘How’d you know for definite it was Lucky, it could have been anyone.’ He was trying to be rational but David didn’t want to know.
‘It was her, I’d know that walk anywhere, and that shade of brown hair, it’s her, and I’m telling you she’s in the stadium somewhere.’
Richie hoped to hell he was right, if they didn’t find her he’d a feeling David would need a straight jacket soon!
Next thing Riche saw was David running out of the room as if the devil was after him, swearing he took off after him.
Lucky wandered back into the circle and took up position on the back fence again; she noticed that there seemed to be increase security presence, and wondered if she should be worried? They’d had a bomb scare already this tour.
Mike had one of those light bulb moments and headed for the video truck, this was becoming a bad habit, but with people still filling in and the warm up band due on soon, he was fast running out of ideas. ‘Matt we need help.’ Was his opening statement as he walked in.
‘Try a therapist.’ Came the rejoinder.
‘Ha fuckin ha! Now, we need a crowd scan, David thinks that Lucky’s in the crowd…..’
‘No I don’t think she’s out there I know she is.’ David said as he walked in with Richie close behind him. ‘So looks like we came to the same conclusion, use the cameras to scan the crowd and see if we can see her.’ Mike nodded and Matt bitched that he’d need his cameras for the support act and warm up band; Richie shushed him and told him to get Bo on the case.
Bo bitched and complained till they told him who he was looking for, then he’d whooped and started to scan, he didn’t mind looking for that woman, she was smokin!
Mike’s radio began to squawk and bitch at him, ‘Jon we’re in the van, now please calm the fuck down, you’re not due on for another hour and a half, they’re sat right next to me.’ With that he signed off and looked back at the monitors, the more eyes they had looking the better the odds of finding her.
Yeah right, an hour later David and Richie ran out to get warmed up and changed, still no sign of Lucky! Jon had stormed in and shooed them out. ‘No more using the camera’s they’ve got a job to do let them do it!’ With that command he left. Mike just shook his head and told the guys to keep an eye out again.
Lucky had listened to the warm up bands, warm up and now the support band was hitting the stage. She rolled her eyes and headed out to use the loo again before the boys took the stage. She thought of food again, but her stomach still revolted so a grabbed a water and a Pepsi and headed back toward the enclosure.
Mark came out to the front to do a sweep in the circle.
As she hit the lower steps she popped her hat back on, she’d nearly dropped the damn thing carrying it and the drinks.
Mark wandered to the gate of the circle and stood scanning; if she was here she’d be head and shoulders above other people! That was unless she’d sat down, then they were screwed till she stood up.
She walked passed a couple of security guys, who gave her a funny look and got onto their radios; shrugging she carried on.
Mark caught the shout and realised whoever it was she was heading straight for him, he hopped the fence and stood in wait. Looking up he did a quick check and saw the woman in question sauntering towards him. He did a head to toe check, she was tall enough, the right clothes, but her hair, David said it was in a ponytail; this woman had two cute plaits, she had the shady on, and she moved with a lithe grace that had his dick twitching. Then she smiled and laughed at a comment some guys made to her, fuck him it was Lucky!!!
Now what?
By now Mike and the team were in full sweep mode, their problem was that there were shit loads of people wearing shady’s! Each time someone shouted they’d found her, it turned out to be a false alarm.
Lucky decided to use the loo’s and freshen up a little, taking her hat off and quickly loosening her hair and re-doing it up in plaits making her look more like a stereotypical cowgirl. She snickered at the picture, but deciding to leave the hat off for a while, she put her sunglasses on as the temp had started to pick up; she headed out of the toilets and back towards the circle.
Mike was getting frustrated, he’d nearly throttled one of his crew, he’d shouted he’d got her and Mike and Mark ran from one side of the arena to the other, only to find the moron had got hold of a five foot three woman, in a black wife beater. Mike had apologised to the woman and fired the guy on the spot telling him if he couldn’t follow a given description he had no business being in the security game!
Mark rolled his eyes, oh the guy had been asking for it of a while, but Mike should have handled it better. But David had them all on fuckin edge!
He bumped into someone and apologised, not looking at who he’d done it too.
Lucky had side stepped stepping on someone’s toes and ended up pushed into someone. They’d both apologised, but only Lucky realised it was Mark, she quickly turned away and dived into the crowd, shit, if she didn’t want anyone to see her she shouldn’t have come!
Backstage David was pacing and Richie was trying to calm him down. ‘How’d you know for definite it was Lucky, it could have been anyone.’ He was trying to be rational but David didn’t want to know.
‘It was her, I’d know that walk anywhere, and that shade of brown hair, it’s her, and I’m telling you she’s in the stadium somewhere.’
Richie hoped to hell he was right, if they didn’t find her he’d a feeling David would need a straight jacket soon!
Next thing Riche saw was David running out of the room as if the devil was after him, swearing he took off after him.
Lucky wandered back into the circle and took up position on the back fence again; she noticed that there seemed to be increase security presence, and wondered if she should be worried? They’d had a bomb scare already this tour.
Mike had one of those light bulb moments and headed for the video truck, this was becoming a bad habit, but with people still filling in and the warm up band due on soon, he was fast running out of ideas. ‘Matt we need help.’ Was his opening statement as he walked in.
‘Try a therapist.’ Came the rejoinder.
‘Ha fuckin ha! Now, we need a crowd scan, David thinks that Lucky’s in the crowd…..’
‘No I don’t think she’s out there I know she is.’ David said as he walked in with Richie close behind him. ‘So looks like we came to the same conclusion, use the cameras to scan the crowd and see if we can see her.’ Mike nodded and Matt bitched that he’d need his cameras for the support act and warm up band; Richie shushed him and told him to get Bo on the case.
Bo bitched and complained till they told him who he was looking for, then he’d whooped and started to scan, he didn’t mind looking for that woman, she was smokin!
Mike’s radio began to squawk and bitch at him, ‘Jon we’re in the van, now please calm the fuck down, you’re not due on for another hour and a half, they’re sat right next to me.’ With that he signed off and looked back at the monitors, the more eyes they had looking the better the odds of finding her.
Yeah right, an hour later David and Richie ran out to get warmed up and changed, still no sign of Lucky! Jon had stormed in and shooed them out. ‘No more using the camera’s they’ve got a job to do let them do it!’ With that command he left. Mike just shook his head and told the guys to keep an eye out again.
Lucky had listened to the warm up bands, warm up and now the support band was hitting the stage. She rolled her eyes and headed out to use the loo again before the boys took the stage. She thought of food again, but her stomach still revolted so a grabbed a water and a Pepsi and headed back toward the enclosure.
Mark came out to the front to do a sweep in the circle.
As she hit the lower steps she popped her hat back on, she’d nearly dropped the damn thing carrying it and the drinks.
Mark wandered to the gate of the circle and stood scanning; if she was here she’d be head and shoulders above other people! That was unless she’d sat down, then they were screwed till she stood up.
She walked passed a couple of security guys, who gave her a funny look and got onto their radios; shrugging she carried on.
Mark caught the shout and realised whoever it was she was heading straight for him, he hopped the fence and stood in wait. Looking up he did a quick check and saw the woman in question sauntering towards him. He did a head to toe check, she was tall enough, the right clothes, but her hair, David said it was in a ponytail; this woman had two cute plaits, she had the shady on, and she moved with a lithe grace that had his dick twitching. Then she smiled and laughed at a comment some guys made to her, fuck him it was Lucky!!!
Now what?
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Chapter 25
‘Jon I’m telling you, if he doesn’t stop we’re going to be lookin for a new keyboardist! He’s used up every last nerve I’ve got.’ Tico was the one bitching that in its self told Jon David was no longer safe from anyone!
‘Teek I know, god how I know! I’ve tried everything I can to find the damn woman, she doesn’t want finding and it’s all Lemmas fault! If he’d told her he’d see her later I don’t think she’d have bolted! He’s even ringing the hotels around here just in case she’s coming to the show, that’s how bad he’s got it for her.’
Two hours later Lucky roared into the car park, she’d pre-booked a space right next to the venue. Checking the time she realised that the fan club would be letting in soon. Did she really want to get near the stage, what if he saw her and blanked her, or worse laughed at her!
She sighed and locked her bike down, and headed for the venue.
David had just got off the phone, she wasn’t registered anywhere, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t coming, it didn’t mean she would either. God he sat with his head in his hands, what an ass he must have seemed to her that night. Just walking off and leaving her swinging, shit! If a woman had done what they had most of the day/evening/morning he’d have thought that she was either a tease or a total troll! He was a troll!
And on top of wanting her, he’d been a gigantic asshole to his brothers and the crew, he needed to start sucking up to them or he wouldn’t like what they did to him!
Lucky flashed her ticket and got it ripped and went in with the rest of the fan club. She only joined the thing so she could get in to shows early and sometimes they caught the sound check.
Her long gait ate up the steps and she entered the Golden Circle then she started to dither, front, back or side? She stood just inside the gate and people pushed passed her laughing and joking. She tried to give herself another talking too, but she just wasn’t listening. She ended up walking to the side and sitting at the back of the circle nowhere near the stage, there weren’t many people in and the ones that were there gave her a funny look, but she stayed put, she even sat down, pulling her hat further over her face, she was paranoid, hell no one was looking for her and she’d paid for the damn ticket! She really needed to get a bloody grip! She pulled her ponytail over her shoulder and played with it nervously.
Her heart hit the back of her throat, people were coming out onto the stage, the sound check looked like it was just about to start, crap, she thought they may have done that already! She was wrong, Tico came out first, starting to check his drums, techs wandering all about, Hugh and Lorenz and some others wandered out. Her palms were sweating so much she could probably fill a damn bottle! Jon and Richie came out, the crowd down front shouted and whistled, Jon flashed them a smile.
Still no David, damn he was trying to give her a heart attack!
On stage Jon was trying to control his temper, David wasn’t to be seen! He was pushing his fuckin luck. Yes they felt sorry for him, his ex was a bitch, and he’d seemed to sparkle with Lucky near him, but he needed to pull his head from his ass.
‘He’s here.’ Richie pointed out as David slunk up and around the back of the set up. Normally he and Richie would be the ones sitting on the edge of the stage talking to fans and laughing, David always came across the front and waved. Jon watched as he slumped onto his bench and turned to look at him, waiting to start, the spark had gone, and Jon felt for him, but then wanted to ream him for being tardy. He took a calming breath and prayed.
No one had spotted him coming onto the stage, except Lucky; she’d zeroed in on the movement, if people had been near her they would have heard her intake of breath, then a deep pain filled moan. Christ why the hell did she torture herself like this, she shouldn’t have come, she should have stayed away.
Yeah and there was snow in hell!
From the distance he didn’t seem right, he looked like he didn’t want to be there. There was none of his bounce, she wondered if he was ill, then mentally bitch slapped herself for caring! She needed to get away till the place filled up some more; she dragged herself upright, pulled her hat down further and headed out of the circle. As she hit the steps she flicked her ponytail down her back,
She headed up the stairs and down to the concession stands, buying a beer and a hotdog. After a bite of the dog it got thrown, her stomach was still in knots and food wouldn’t sit, but the beer stayed, so she brought another and found a wall to slid down, she wouldn’t drink any more after that, she was driving after all, but she needed something to take the edge off her emotions.
Back on stage David noticed a woman get up from the rail and his breath caught in his throat, Lucky! But the woman didn’t even glance at the stage; she pulled her hat down and then she just headed towards the stairs. God he was seeing her everywhere, then she did something, she flicked her hair over her shoulder, fuck it was the same colour as Lucky’s! It had to be her! The height, the swish of her hips, and even though he couldn’t see from there, he’d bet she’d got cowboy boots on!
As much as he wanted to charge off the stage and run to see if it was her, he knew Jon would kill him; so there he sat, playing automatically, not looking at anything else but the exit she’d left from, praying she’d come back so he could see if it was her. His heart started to beat a little faster, and a smile broke his lips for the first time since that morning, a genuine one, not the false one he’d been using.
Richie noticed Dave perk up a bit and then he smiled and Richie whipped about scanning the crowd, nada. The only reason Dave would smile was if he’d noticed someone, that someone being Lucky!
When they stopped to redo something, Richie walked to Jon and had a quiet word, Jon’s head swung to David, then swung to the crowd and scanned for a tall woman, he saw the same as Rich, nothing. What the hell had gotten into Dave, or had he totally lost it? ‘Is she here?’
‘No fuckin idea, but he’s perked up.’
‘Well be thankful for small favours, whatever’s happened he’s not moping any more.’
David continued to play and even interact with the rest a little, but his eyes still sought the exit, praying she’d walk back through, she hadn’t by the time they’d finished sound check, shit had he really seen her, or a ghost?
His shoulders slumped and they headed off stage, the first thing he did was to grab Mike and ask him to look out for the woman, he gave him a description of what she was wearing and told him it might be Lucky. He walked off muttering.
And Mike sighed praying David was right and she was here, and if she was his crew would find her; he dropped another quick prayer just in case it wasn’t her, David would loose it even more.
‘Teek I know, god how I know! I’ve tried everything I can to find the damn woman, she doesn’t want finding and it’s all Lemmas fault! If he’d told her he’d see her later I don’t think she’d have bolted! He’s even ringing the hotels around here just in case she’s coming to the show, that’s how bad he’s got it for her.’
Two hours later Lucky roared into the car park, she’d pre-booked a space right next to the venue. Checking the time she realised that the fan club would be letting in soon. Did she really want to get near the stage, what if he saw her and blanked her, or worse laughed at her!
She sighed and locked her bike down, and headed for the venue.
David had just got off the phone, she wasn’t registered anywhere, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t coming, it didn’t mean she would either. God he sat with his head in his hands, what an ass he must have seemed to her that night. Just walking off and leaving her swinging, shit! If a woman had done what they had most of the day/evening/morning he’d have thought that she was either a tease or a total troll! He was a troll!
And on top of wanting her, he’d been a gigantic asshole to his brothers and the crew, he needed to start sucking up to them or he wouldn’t like what they did to him!
Lucky flashed her ticket and got it ripped and went in with the rest of the fan club. She only joined the thing so she could get in to shows early and sometimes they caught the sound check.
Her long gait ate up the steps and she entered the Golden Circle then she started to dither, front, back or side? She stood just inside the gate and people pushed passed her laughing and joking. She tried to give herself another talking too, but she just wasn’t listening. She ended up walking to the side and sitting at the back of the circle nowhere near the stage, there weren’t many people in and the ones that were there gave her a funny look, but she stayed put, she even sat down, pulling her hat further over her face, she was paranoid, hell no one was looking for her and she’d paid for the damn ticket! She really needed to get a bloody grip! She pulled her ponytail over her shoulder and played with it nervously.
Her heart hit the back of her throat, people were coming out onto the stage, the sound check looked like it was just about to start, crap, she thought they may have done that already! She was wrong, Tico came out first, starting to check his drums, techs wandering all about, Hugh and Lorenz and some others wandered out. Her palms were sweating so much she could probably fill a damn bottle! Jon and Richie came out, the crowd down front shouted and whistled, Jon flashed them a smile.
Still no David, damn he was trying to give her a heart attack!
On stage Jon was trying to control his temper, David wasn’t to be seen! He was pushing his fuckin luck. Yes they felt sorry for him, his ex was a bitch, and he’d seemed to sparkle with Lucky near him, but he needed to pull his head from his ass.
‘He’s here.’ Richie pointed out as David slunk up and around the back of the set up. Normally he and Richie would be the ones sitting on the edge of the stage talking to fans and laughing, David always came across the front and waved. Jon watched as he slumped onto his bench and turned to look at him, waiting to start, the spark had gone, and Jon felt for him, but then wanted to ream him for being tardy. He took a calming breath and prayed.
No one had spotted him coming onto the stage, except Lucky; she’d zeroed in on the movement, if people had been near her they would have heard her intake of breath, then a deep pain filled moan. Christ why the hell did she torture herself like this, she shouldn’t have come, she should have stayed away.
Yeah and there was snow in hell!
From the distance he didn’t seem right, he looked like he didn’t want to be there. There was none of his bounce, she wondered if he was ill, then mentally bitch slapped herself for caring! She needed to get away till the place filled up some more; she dragged herself upright, pulled her hat down further and headed out of the circle. As she hit the steps she flicked her ponytail down her back,
She headed up the stairs and down to the concession stands, buying a beer and a hotdog. After a bite of the dog it got thrown, her stomach was still in knots and food wouldn’t sit, but the beer stayed, so she brought another and found a wall to slid down, she wouldn’t drink any more after that, she was driving after all, but she needed something to take the edge off her emotions.
Back on stage David noticed a woman get up from the rail and his breath caught in his throat, Lucky! But the woman didn’t even glance at the stage; she pulled her hat down and then she just headed towards the stairs. God he was seeing her everywhere, then she did something, she flicked her hair over her shoulder, fuck it was the same colour as Lucky’s! It had to be her! The height, the swish of her hips, and even though he couldn’t see from there, he’d bet she’d got cowboy boots on!
As much as he wanted to charge off the stage and run to see if it was her, he knew Jon would kill him; so there he sat, playing automatically, not looking at anything else but the exit she’d left from, praying she’d come back so he could see if it was her. His heart started to beat a little faster, and a smile broke his lips for the first time since that morning, a genuine one, not the false one he’d been using.
Richie noticed Dave perk up a bit and then he smiled and Richie whipped about scanning the crowd, nada. The only reason Dave would smile was if he’d noticed someone, that someone being Lucky!
When they stopped to redo something, Richie walked to Jon and had a quiet word, Jon’s head swung to David, then swung to the crowd and scanned for a tall woman, he saw the same as Rich, nothing. What the hell had gotten into Dave, or had he totally lost it? ‘Is she here?’
‘No fuckin idea, but he’s perked up.’
‘Well be thankful for small favours, whatever’s happened he’s not moping any more.’
David continued to play and even interact with the rest a little, but his eyes still sought the exit, praying she’d walk back through, she hadn’t by the time they’d finished sound check, shit had he really seen her, or a ghost?
His shoulders slumped and they headed off stage, the first thing he did was to grab Mike and ask him to look out for the woman, he gave him a description of what she was wearing and told him it might be Lucky. He walked off muttering.
And Mike sighed praying David was right and she was here, and if she was his crew would find her; he dropped another quick prayer just in case it wasn’t her, David would loose it even more.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Chapter 24
Eleven days had crawled by and David was the nastiest the band had ever known him to be, even after his divorce he wasn’t this bad. Ever since he’d woken up the following day and found Lucky had left in the night. Then there was the moping, sniping and the sighing, they’d about had enough of it.
He’d gone a little mad at the time, he’d run to the front desk when he got no answer at her door, to be told she’d checked out, and no they wouldn’t give out her home address, they didn’t care who he was. Even getting Jon to beg didn’t work, from that day on the only place he saw her was in his dreams, or nightmares, she’d smile at him and he’d walk towards her, only for her to disappear just as their fingers touched.
They’d even, after Mike had a brain wave, rung Virgin and tried to get her contact details from them, they were met with the same thing, sorry no can do!
Richie had asked David what had happened they’d seemed to be hitting it of. He’d told them he thought it was going to fast and they needed to take it slower, and he’d tell her at brunch. Tico had asked him if he’d told Lucky any of that, or just walked away from her without a hint he wanted to see her again. David had started to say of course he’d made it clear he wanted to see her, and then stopped himself, thought about it, his jaw had gone slack and he’d gone white. That was all they needed to know he’d not said a word to her and she must have thought he didn’t want her.
David sat for ages cursing himself, before trying to come up with ways to find her again.
They’d tried everything before they flew to Amsterdam later that day. From Brussels they’d tried Googling her name, then used a UK phone book to track down L James, there were loads. Mike and Mark had the unfortunate task of ringing every single L James in the book; none of them knew Lucky’s phone number was ex-directory.
By the time they’d travelled to Helsinki, Oslo, Denmark and back into Glasgow, he had all about given up ever finding her again.
Now they were in Manchester and he was still no closer to finding her again, fuck!
Meanwhile, miles away Lucky was dithering. She’d got tickets for nearly all the Jovi shows in the UK, but she was humming and haring about going. She loved their music, but didn’t know if she could stand seeing David again.
For over a week she’d hidden herself from people, her friends wondered what had happened but she just said she feeling under the weather, and she’d be fine.
Yeah they didn’t believe that at all, she’d lost weight, and looked like she’d not been sleeping at all, circles ran under both eyes.
When she’d come out of hiding they’d tutted when she finally told them she’d met someone, but found he wasn’t what she thought he was.
Now here she stood, debating with herself whether to go or not.
She was dressed to go; being warm she’d pulled on faded jean and a white wife beater, cowboy boots and a Shady Brady she’d brought back from America on one of her visits. There was no reason to go over the top this time, she’d not won a backstage pass, and if she had, she’d have given it away! But she just couldn’t seem to get her ass out the door and onto her bike.
She closed her eyes, her bike; she’d not ridden it since she’d got home. All the way back she’d found David’s ghost holding onto her tightly, his hard body melded to her back as she took the twists and turns. She’d got off on shaky legs, put it in the garage and not gone near it since.
She checked her watch; if she was going she had to go now. Sighing she pulled on her leather jacket and grabbed her keys, the ticket and cash in her jeans pocket with her cell. She went into the garage and strode to her baby, running her hand over the pillion seat where David had sat; she yanked her hand away cursing her weakness! She threw her leg over, started it and took off, hitting the automatic door close. Well she wasn’t turning back now! And damned if his ghost was still there, clinging to her! Shit it was going to be a long drive.
He’d gone a little mad at the time, he’d run to the front desk when he got no answer at her door, to be told she’d checked out, and no they wouldn’t give out her home address, they didn’t care who he was. Even getting Jon to beg didn’t work, from that day on the only place he saw her was in his dreams, or nightmares, she’d smile at him and he’d walk towards her, only for her to disappear just as their fingers touched.
They’d even, after Mike had a brain wave, rung Virgin and tried to get her contact details from them, they were met with the same thing, sorry no can do!
Richie had asked David what had happened they’d seemed to be hitting it of. He’d told them he thought it was going to fast and they needed to take it slower, and he’d tell her at brunch. Tico had asked him if he’d told Lucky any of that, or just walked away from her without a hint he wanted to see her again. David had started to say of course he’d made it clear he wanted to see her, and then stopped himself, thought about it, his jaw had gone slack and he’d gone white. That was all they needed to know he’d not said a word to her and she must have thought he didn’t want her.
David sat for ages cursing himself, before trying to come up with ways to find her again.
They’d tried everything before they flew to Amsterdam later that day. From Brussels they’d tried Googling her name, then used a UK phone book to track down L James, there were loads. Mike and Mark had the unfortunate task of ringing every single L James in the book; none of them knew Lucky’s phone number was ex-directory.
By the time they’d travelled to Helsinki, Oslo, Denmark and back into Glasgow, he had all about given up ever finding her again.
Now they were in Manchester and he was still no closer to finding her again, fuck!
Meanwhile, miles away Lucky was dithering. She’d got tickets for nearly all the Jovi shows in the UK, but she was humming and haring about going. She loved their music, but didn’t know if she could stand seeing David again.
For over a week she’d hidden herself from people, her friends wondered what had happened but she just said she feeling under the weather, and she’d be fine.
Yeah they didn’t believe that at all, she’d lost weight, and looked like she’d not been sleeping at all, circles ran under both eyes.
When she’d come out of hiding they’d tutted when she finally told them she’d met someone, but found he wasn’t what she thought he was.
Now here she stood, debating with herself whether to go or not.
She was dressed to go; being warm she’d pulled on faded jean and a white wife beater, cowboy boots and a Shady Brady she’d brought back from America on one of her visits. There was no reason to go over the top this time, she’d not won a backstage pass, and if she had, she’d have given it away! But she just couldn’t seem to get her ass out the door and onto her bike.
She closed her eyes, her bike; she’d not ridden it since she’d got home. All the way back she’d found David’s ghost holding onto her tightly, his hard body melded to her back as she took the twists and turns. She’d got off on shaky legs, put it in the garage and not gone near it since.
She checked her watch; if she was going she had to go now. Sighing she pulled on her leather jacket and grabbed her keys, the ticket and cash in her jeans pocket with her cell. She went into the garage and strode to her baby, running her hand over the pillion seat where David had sat; she yanked her hand away cursing her weakness! She threw her leg over, started it and took off, hitting the automatic door close. Well she wasn’t turning back now! And damned if his ghost was still there, clinging to her! Shit it was going to be a long drive.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Chapter 23
You could have heard a pin drop.
‘You teach music? What do you play?’ Questions came thick and fast from them, they crowded about her.
‘Again yes I teach music in secondary schools, and I play the piano, and a bit of guitar.’
‘Hot damn I can talk music to you and you’ll know what I’m talking about, not glaze over!’ David pulled her back into his rock hard chest and kissed her breath away, till the others bitched at him to let her up to talk to them. ‘Why she’s my date.’ He smirked at his brothers at his good fortune.
‘Oh for goodness sake you sound like teenage boys fighting over a damn toy, and since when am I your date Rashbaum?’ David looked abashed at her calling him on being his date; he grinned and shrugged at her. ‘And what, or who, do I have to do to get a drink?’
Conversation slammed to a stop once again, and she stood there with an innocent look on her face, none of the men dared ask if she said what they thought she’d said. ‘I’ll get it querido, what’s your poison?’
‘Gracias Tico, you’re a gem I’ll have a jack and coke please. And can someone tell me why you don’t sing on tours these days? I just love you singing, gives me goose bumps.’
‘Miel, how about you go out with me instead of Curly here, I’d show you a better time, and you’d have to ask Kidd why I don’t steal the shows any more.’ He winked and wandered off to get her that drink.
David told him to back off and find his own friend.
Lucky levelled her gaze on Jon, who started to feel a bit hot under her continuous stare, ‘So, why doesn’t he sing any more?’
David and Richie started to wind him up some more too, ‘Yeah why is that bro?’ Evil grins showing behind Lucky’s back, you didn’t have to berate them more than once for them to learn to hide what they did.
‘Because Sambora here is a spotlight whore these days!’ Jon flicked him the bird and laughed.
This started the three of them bickering and sniping, Tico returned handed Lucky her drink and they both wandered off to get a seat and talk, leaving the other boys to fight amongst themselves.
‘Hooooold it!’ David shouted at Rich and Jon, quite a while later.
‘What?’ They both snapped, enjoying the buzz of a sparring war.
‘Where the hell did Lucky go?’ He started to search for her, the other two doing the same. ‘If she’s left and I don’t know how to contact her, I’m gonna kill you to jerks!’ He was starting to get worried now.
Richie spotted her first, trust the Hitman to corral her off to a quite corner. ‘Lemma!’ He shouted and when he caught David’s eye he nodded towards the table.
David saw her talking with Tico and she threw her head back and gave a glorious laugh, Tico sat there and grinned like a fool. David was just glad she’d not gone and left him, as a trio the men pushed their way passed others till the stood at the table.
Lucky knew the exact moment they’d missed her, David’s head had shot up and started doing a sweep of the room, and now they were stood there looking at her and Tico. ‘Take a picture boy’s it lasts longer.’ And took a long pull on her drink, she’d switched to coke after the second jack, but only Tico knew that. She needed a clear head about David or she’d find herself in bed with him before she knew it!
Tico laughed, ‘Hey you snooze you loose assholes, or should that be bicker?’ Lucky laughed again, and all David wanted to do was to haul her out of the booth and take her somewhere private for a few days!
‘How about I get some drinks in and we can talk?’ Richie asked.
Lucky checked her watch and looked shocked it was nearly three, no wonder she was flagging, way passed her bedtime. ‘Well as much as I’m enjoying Tico’s company, I’m going to have to go, I need my beauty sleep even if you lot don’t.’
‘What, no, please don’t leave, not yet.’ David said, and then remembered where she was staying, and could this be a signal for him?
Lucky shuffled around till she could get out of the booth, she placed her hand on his arm and looked him in the eye, ‘Sorry honey, but this old girl can’t keep up with rock stars.’ She winked at him, ‘Mere normal people need to sleep, so with much regret I’m calling time.’ She turned to the others ‘Well gentlemen it’s been a blast and so damn surreal I’ll remember this for a while. And no banging on my door, otherwise I’ve friends that I can call on.’ She laughed and the guys kissed and hugged her goodnight, not believing for one minute she’d get away from their brother so easy.
David put his arm about her shoulders, ‘I’ll walk you to your room, guys later.’ And brushing her protest out of the way telling her he’d rather look at a gorgeous creature than the ugly mugs of his brothers.
Lucky laughed and said fine, and arm in arm they waltzed out of the door and headed for the lift.
While they stood there his arm tightened about her hugging her to him, Lucky looked at him and gave a tired smile and leant her head on his shoulder and sighed, this was heaven!
David adored having her rest against him, it felt, well right. The bell dinged signalling the lifts arrival and they got in, he pressed the button for their floor and as the door closed the world out he gently tilted her chin and kissed her.
Lucky’s arms snaked up over his shoulders, they seemed to have done a lot of that tonight, her fingers spearing his soft curls, and lent into him. Lord help her it felt so damn right, but as they travelled up she got more than a little nervous, did he expect her to sleep with him? Mind you she couldn’t say she hadn’t encouraged it if he did, she’d never acted like a wanton hussy before.
David was in heaven, she was wrapped about him like a second skin, and damn she really did taste wonderful, if he could keep her in his arms forever he’d die a happy man. His eyes popped open, still kissing her, where the hell had that come from? He’d only known her, what about ten hours and already he was thinking long term! He needed to slow this down, before he got his heart broken again!
As the life arrived at their floor he gently untangled himself from her and taking her hand led her out of the lift and towards their rooms.
Lucky was starting to panic, hell it had been five years since she’d made love! She couldn’t help it if she was picky, and no man since Peter had revved her engine this much, but she could feel herself start to choke on fear of the unknown.
They reached her door in what she felt was record time, and before she could say a word David took her knees from under her.
‘Lucky, darlin, it’s been a blast tonight and I’m glad we met.’ He kissed her cheek, ‘Now you have a goodnights sleep honey, sorry for keeping up out till dawns early light.’ He kissed her again, opened her door, gently pushed her through it and closed it. He turned when all he wanted to do was to kick the door open and sweep her into his arms and not let her go. But later, he’d take her out for brunch and talk about what was happening between them, but now he needed to get the hell out of there and take a freezing cold shower!
Lucky stood staring into the room, what had happened? Had he felt her drawing back, was tonight just fun and he didn’t really want her? Her emotions swung back and forth, from anger to frustration, then a sob hit the back of her throat, wasn’t she good enough for him, was that it, had he gone back down and collected on a bet from his brothers, was she a pity date? Did anything he say during the evening mean anything? Tears started to pour from her eyes, a trickle at first, then to a waterfall. She clutched her chest, her heart hurt, and she crumpled down the door, and sat for ages crying for something she thought could have happened between them.
After an hour of crying she got up, took a shower, washing his scent from her; afterwards she packed her saddlebag and left the hotel before she could be humiliated any further.
In his bed David heard the roar of a motorbike, and smiled in his sleep, in his dream he was holding the most beautiful woman and they were riding her hog into the sunset, together.
‘You teach music? What do you play?’ Questions came thick and fast from them, they crowded about her.
‘Again yes I teach music in secondary schools, and I play the piano, and a bit of guitar.’
‘Hot damn I can talk music to you and you’ll know what I’m talking about, not glaze over!’ David pulled her back into his rock hard chest and kissed her breath away, till the others bitched at him to let her up to talk to them. ‘Why she’s my date.’ He smirked at his brothers at his good fortune.
‘Oh for goodness sake you sound like teenage boys fighting over a damn toy, and since when am I your date Rashbaum?’ David looked abashed at her calling him on being his date; he grinned and shrugged at her. ‘And what, or who, do I have to do to get a drink?’
Conversation slammed to a stop once again, and she stood there with an innocent look on her face, none of the men dared ask if she said what they thought she’d said. ‘I’ll get it querido, what’s your poison?’
‘Gracias Tico, you’re a gem I’ll have a jack and coke please. And can someone tell me why you don’t sing on tours these days? I just love you singing, gives me goose bumps.’
‘Miel, how about you go out with me instead of Curly here, I’d show you a better time, and you’d have to ask Kidd why I don’t steal the shows any more.’ He winked and wandered off to get her that drink.
David told him to back off and find his own friend.
Lucky levelled her gaze on Jon, who started to feel a bit hot under her continuous stare, ‘So, why doesn’t he sing any more?’
David and Richie started to wind him up some more too, ‘Yeah why is that bro?’ Evil grins showing behind Lucky’s back, you didn’t have to berate them more than once for them to learn to hide what they did.
‘Because Sambora here is a spotlight whore these days!’ Jon flicked him the bird and laughed.
This started the three of them bickering and sniping, Tico returned handed Lucky her drink and they both wandered off to get a seat and talk, leaving the other boys to fight amongst themselves.
‘Hooooold it!’ David shouted at Rich and Jon, quite a while later.
‘What?’ They both snapped, enjoying the buzz of a sparring war.
‘Where the hell did Lucky go?’ He started to search for her, the other two doing the same. ‘If she’s left and I don’t know how to contact her, I’m gonna kill you to jerks!’ He was starting to get worried now.
Richie spotted her first, trust the Hitman to corral her off to a quite corner. ‘Lemma!’ He shouted and when he caught David’s eye he nodded towards the table.
David saw her talking with Tico and she threw her head back and gave a glorious laugh, Tico sat there and grinned like a fool. David was just glad she’d not gone and left him, as a trio the men pushed their way passed others till the stood at the table.
Lucky knew the exact moment they’d missed her, David’s head had shot up and started doing a sweep of the room, and now they were stood there looking at her and Tico. ‘Take a picture boy’s it lasts longer.’ And took a long pull on her drink, she’d switched to coke after the second jack, but only Tico knew that. She needed a clear head about David or she’d find herself in bed with him before she knew it!
Tico laughed, ‘Hey you snooze you loose assholes, or should that be bicker?’ Lucky laughed again, and all David wanted to do was to haul her out of the booth and take her somewhere private for a few days!
‘How about I get some drinks in and we can talk?’ Richie asked.
Lucky checked her watch and looked shocked it was nearly three, no wonder she was flagging, way passed her bedtime. ‘Well as much as I’m enjoying Tico’s company, I’m going to have to go, I need my beauty sleep even if you lot don’t.’
‘What, no, please don’t leave, not yet.’ David said, and then remembered where she was staying, and could this be a signal for him?
Lucky shuffled around till she could get out of the booth, she placed her hand on his arm and looked him in the eye, ‘Sorry honey, but this old girl can’t keep up with rock stars.’ She winked at him, ‘Mere normal people need to sleep, so with much regret I’m calling time.’ She turned to the others ‘Well gentlemen it’s been a blast and so damn surreal I’ll remember this for a while. And no banging on my door, otherwise I’ve friends that I can call on.’ She laughed and the guys kissed and hugged her goodnight, not believing for one minute she’d get away from their brother so easy.
David put his arm about her shoulders, ‘I’ll walk you to your room, guys later.’ And brushing her protest out of the way telling her he’d rather look at a gorgeous creature than the ugly mugs of his brothers.
Lucky laughed and said fine, and arm in arm they waltzed out of the door and headed for the lift.
While they stood there his arm tightened about her hugging her to him, Lucky looked at him and gave a tired smile and leant her head on his shoulder and sighed, this was heaven!
David adored having her rest against him, it felt, well right. The bell dinged signalling the lifts arrival and they got in, he pressed the button for their floor and as the door closed the world out he gently tilted her chin and kissed her.
Lucky’s arms snaked up over his shoulders, they seemed to have done a lot of that tonight, her fingers spearing his soft curls, and lent into him. Lord help her it felt so damn right, but as they travelled up she got more than a little nervous, did he expect her to sleep with him? Mind you she couldn’t say she hadn’t encouraged it if he did, she’d never acted like a wanton hussy before.
David was in heaven, she was wrapped about him like a second skin, and damn she really did taste wonderful, if he could keep her in his arms forever he’d die a happy man. His eyes popped open, still kissing her, where the hell had that come from? He’d only known her, what about ten hours and already he was thinking long term! He needed to slow this down, before he got his heart broken again!
As the life arrived at their floor he gently untangled himself from her and taking her hand led her out of the lift and towards their rooms.
Lucky was starting to panic, hell it had been five years since she’d made love! She couldn’t help it if she was picky, and no man since Peter had revved her engine this much, but she could feel herself start to choke on fear of the unknown.
They reached her door in what she felt was record time, and before she could say a word David took her knees from under her.
‘Lucky, darlin, it’s been a blast tonight and I’m glad we met.’ He kissed her cheek, ‘Now you have a goodnights sleep honey, sorry for keeping up out till dawns early light.’ He kissed her again, opened her door, gently pushed her through it and closed it. He turned when all he wanted to do was to kick the door open and sweep her into his arms and not let her go. But later, he’d take her out for brunch and talk about what was happening between them, but now he needed to get the hell out of there and take a freezing cold shower!
Lucky stood staring into the room, what had happened? Had he felt her drawing back, was tonight just fun and he didn’t really want her? Her emotions swung back and forth, from anger to frustration, then a sob hit the back of her throat, wasn’t she good enough for him, was that it, had he gone back down and collected on a bet from his brothers, was she a pity date? Did anything he say during the evening mean anything? Tears started to pour from her eyes, a trickle at first, then to a waterfall. She clutched her chest, her heart hurt, and she crumpled down the door, and sat for ages crying for something she thought could have happened between them.
After an hour of crying she got up, took a shower, washing his scent from her; afterwards she packed her saddlebag and left the hotel before she could be humiliated any further.
In his bed David heard the roar of a motorbike, and smiled in his sleep, in his dream he was holding the most beautiful woman and they were riding her hog into the sunset, together.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Chapter 22
They arrived at the hotel ten minutes after the guys had arrived; Lucky pulled into the parking space she usually used and switched off the engine. ‘You can let go now you know.’ She laughed into the helmet.
‘Aw do I have to? It’s so nice to hold a hot looking woman and actually need too.’
‘Yup you do, now get off Mr Bryan.’ She said in a haughty tone.
‘I’m trying to get off but you keep saying no!’
Lucky cackled, and hit him in the ribs, he got off the bike, and then watched as she stood and took the helmet off. He loved the way her hair just unfurled like a chocolate wave.
‘Damn you suit riding a bike, baby.’ He pulled her into his arms and leisurely but thoroughly kissed her; he groaned as she moulded herself to him, her arms entwining his neck and her mouth greedily took what she wanted.
Ribald comments and whistles made them pull a little apart, Lucky flicked the bird to some men walking passed them. ‘I think we’d better cool it don’t you?’ she asked.
‘Nah.’ And he hauled her back into his arms, his hands cupping her ass and showing her how much he liked kissing her, his erection grinding into her.
A discreet cough pulled them out of a lust filled haze, ‘Sorry David, but if you stay here much longer, you’ll get papped, or arrested!’ Mark said as they looked at him, but didn’t really see him.
Lucky was holding onto him for dear life, not certain if her legs would hold her, damn the man could kiss! Each time he kissed her she forgot where she was, and everything except the man she was stuck too.
Grinning like a loon David followed Mark dragging her through the hotel lobby and into the private function room towards the back. As they walked through the doors they were met with a standing ovation, Lucky reddened and tried to hide behind him.
‘Well look who finally turned up, so you didn’t fall off this time Lemma?’ Jon laughed as David bowed deeply grinning like a mad man.
‘Nope my angel kept me safe and sound.’ He pulled Lucky from behind him and stood her in front looping his arms through her arms and linking together on her belly, he felt her shudder.
‘So Lucky, do you think you could ever teach him how to ride on his own?’ Jon was interested in her answer, David seemed so relaxed, mind you she didn’t have any lipstick left on so that could be a little bit to do with it.
Lucky had to shift her brain from neutral, where it had been since he’d looped his arms about her and his long fingers were making little circles on her, to a different gear to catch up to what Jon was saying. ‘Yes, I’ve taught several friends to ride, and when he relaxed into it he was a natural. He just needs the right teacher so he’s not afraid to try.’
‘We are talkin about riding a bike here?’ Richie chimed in smirking.
Lucky turned to him, ‘Richard Steven Sambora, that wasn’t very nice!’ She snapped out.
Richie reared back and looked stunned!
Jon, David and Tico stood gobsmacked, and then cracked out laughing. ‘Oh shit Rich she used the mom tone of voice on you.’ Jon continued to laugh.
‘Nope, John Francis Bongiovi it isn’t a mom tone it’s a teachers tone!’ She looked smug when all the guys turned and stared at her.‘Don’t make me bring out the rest of your full names!’ She eyed David and Tico up and down, making them both squirm.
‘You’re a teacher?’ David asked she didn’t look like any damn teacher he’d ever had!
‘Oh don’t look that shocked, what you all thought I was a stripper or something?’ She laughed harder at their reddening faces. ‘Ah I see you did think that, shame on you boys.’
Jon pulled his jaw off the floor and fired up his brain, ‘What do you teach, and I’m praying to god you don’t say religious studies.’
Lucky laughed at his look, god these guys could sure give a girl's funny bone a work out! ‘No sweetie, I’m a music teacher.’
‘Aw do I have to? It’s so nice to hold a hot looking woman and actually need too.’
‘Yup you do, now get off Mr Bryan.’ She said in a haughty tone.
‘I’m trying to get off but you keep saying no!’
Lucky cackled, and hit him in the ribs, he got off the bike, and then watched as she stood and took the helmet off. He loved the way her hair just unfurled like a chocolate wave.
‘Damn you suit riding a bike, baby.’ He pulled her into his arms and leisurely but thoroughly kissed her; he groaned as she moulded herself to him, her arms entwining his neck and her mouth greedily took what she wanted.
Ribald comments and whistles made them pull a little apart, Lucky flicked the bird to some men walking passed them. ‘I think we’d better cool it don’t you?’ she asked.
‘Nah.’ And he hauled her back into his arms, his hands cupping her ass and showing her how much he liked kissing her, his erection grinding into her.
A discreet cough pulled them out of a lust filled haze, ‘Sorry David, but if you stay here much longer, you’ll get papped, or arrested!’ Mark said as they looked at him, but didn’t really see him.
Lucky was holding onto him for dear life, not certain if her legs would hold her, damn the man could kiss! Each time he kissed her she forgot where she was, and everything except the man she was stuck too.
Grinning like a loon David followed Mark dragging her through the hotel lobby and into the private function room towards the back. As they walked through the doors they were met with a standing ovation, Lucky reddened and tried to hide behind him.
‘Well look who finally turned up, so you didn’t fall off this time Lemma?’ Jon laughed as David bowed deeply grinning like a mad man.
‘Nope my angel kept me safe and sound.’ He pulled Lucky from behind him and stood her in front looping his arms through her arms and linking together on her belly, he felt her shudder.
‘So Lucky, do you think you could ever teach him how to ride on his own?’ Jon was interested in her answer, David seemed so relaxed, mind you she didn’t have any lipstick left on so that could be a little bit to do with it.
Lucky had to shift her brain from neutral, where it had been since he’d looped his arms about her and his long fingers were making little circles on her, to a different gear to catch up to what Jon was saying. ‘Yes, I’ve taught several friends to ride, and when he relaxed into it he was a natural. He just needs the right teacher so he’s not afraid to try.’
‘We are talkin about riding a bike here?’ Richie chimed in smirking.
Lucky turned to him, ‘Richard Steven Sambora, that wasn’t very nice!’ She snapped out.
Richie reared back and looked stunned!
Jon, David and Tico stood gobsmacked, and then cracked out laughing. ‘Oh shit Rich she used the mom tone of voice on you.’ Jon continued to laugh.
‘Nope, John Francis Bongiovi it isn’t a mom tone it’s a teachers tone!’ She looked smug when all the guys turned and stared at her.‘Don’t make me bring out the rest of your full names!’ She eyed David and Tico up and down, making them both squirm.
‘You’re a teacher?’ David asked she didn’t look like any damn teacher he’d ever had!
‘Oh don’t look that shocked, what you all thought I was a stripper or something?’ She laughed harder at their reddening faces. ‘Ah I see you did think that, shame on you boys.’
Jon pulled his jaw off the floor and fired up his brain, ‘What do you teach, and I’m praying to god you don’t say religious studies.’
Lucky laughed at his look, god these guys could sure give a girl's funny bone a work out! ‘No sweetie, I’m a music teacher.’
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